Paradigms for Proactive Transformation Podcast Artwork Image

Paradigms for Proactive Transformation

Portia Heller BA, MA, MA

If you are searching for a monologue that will comfort your bruised ego, calm the chaos in your life, or give balmy, cosmetic peace of mind, then please seek elsewhere. This podcast is created to do the opposite: to cast lightning and thunder into the darkness of your Self, and the storm that is most likely raging within, and that you have so artfully ignored. It’s here to provide pure chaos! Welcome to Paradigms for Proactive Transformation, paradigm here being defined as a map or chart, and too many of us are following the wrong map. My students tell me I shake them up and make them think. There were a few sages in my life who did the same for me. And like my students, I was plunged into darkness, but that is where all of us begin to find our place in the world. One of the goals here is to help you find your authentic self. As Heath Buckmaster said, “Often, it’s not about becoming a new person, but becoming the person you were meant to be and already are, but don’t know how to be.” Let the journey begin.